
Most prevalent on the face, especially around the eye and over the forehead, lines and wrinkles are one of the things that both men and women dread developing. It is a sign of aging that none of us can escape.


With all lines and wrinkles, no matter where on the body, they are caused by the breakdown in the skin supporting layer, most notably reduction in the presence of collagen and elastin. Once these start to decline, the skin weakens and lines and wrinkles appear. Other causes include smoking, which can dry and dehydrate the skin, sun damage, and drink large amounts of alcohol.

Fortunately, there are now many regenerative treatments available that can help keep these lines and wrinkles at bay.


Dr. Doris has specially formulated a series of regenerative treatment plan to target wrinkles, by boost collagen and elastin production, as well as tighten exiting collagen fibres in the target area to achieve aesthetic results which will improve over the period of 6 weeks, your skin will look and feel youthful as the wrinkles fade away.

Because we do not use botox or fillers for your treatments, we use your own body’s regenerative ability to repair your skin, the result we deliver is permanent. While time will age your skin as nature has intended, you may choose to come in for optional maintenance to improve skin condition, however the results from the initial course of treatments generally stay satisfactory for at least 2 years for most patients.