
Unfortunately, some people are predisposed to a double chin, the unforgiving layer of extra fat around the chin. A double chin can make the bearer of it appear fatter than they really are and it is almost impossible to get rid of easily despite the best efforts in exercise and dieting. With age, slack skin around the chin will only make the problem appear worse.


A double chin doesn’t necessarily only occur in people who are overweight, slim people can still suffer from a double chin. Sometimes a double chin is simply due to genetics. Other causes do include a sedentary lifestyle and a poor diet high in fat and sugar. The chin is one of those areas that can betray your lifestyle choices before anywhere else. Age is another issue as skin loses its elasticity and definition as we get older and the metabolism declines.


Dr. Doris has specially formulated a series of regenerative treatment plan to target wrinkles, by boost collagen and elastin production, as well as tighten exiting collagen fibres in the target area to achieve aesthetic results which will improve over the period of 6 weeks, your skin will look and feel youthful as the wrinkles fade away.

Because we do not use botox or fillers for your treatments, we use your own body’s regenerative ability to repair your skin, the result we deliver is permanent. While time will age your skin as nature has intended, you may choose to come in for optional maintenance to improve skin condition, however the results from the initial course of treatments generally stay satisfactory for at least 2 years for most patients.