
Cellulite affects nearly every woman to a certain degree, it is one of the most hated skin features that every woman wants to get rid off. Cellulite is scientifically called adiposis edematosa cutis and gynoid lipodystrophy. It appears most commonly on the buttocks and thighs and other areas where there are underlying fat deposits. Although both men and women can suffer from this, it is most common in women and normally begins to appear just after puberty.


It is not well understood as to how cellulite is formed in the body, however as the condition does tend to appear just after puberty, hormones play an important part in its onset. Genes can also affect its development with certain people predisposed to the condition.

Gender, race, a slow metabolism and poor circulation can all be reasons why people suffer from cellulite. Diet can also be an important issue, diet with heavy fatty food, carbohydrate or salt tends to be linked to cellulite.

Also those who have a poor fibre intake can be afflicted. Other lifestyle choices that can affect cellulite include smoking, lack of exercise and those who have to sit or stand for long periods of time.


Dr. Doris has specially formulated a series of regenerative treatment plan to target cellulite, remove fat and boost collagen and elastin in the target area to achieve aesthetic body sculpting.